Holiday Inn
San Antonio International Airport
Green Campaign
The Holiday Inn San Antonio International Airport launched an environmental “green” campaign nearly three years ago, posting results that have garnered National and International attention. We have been the feature Hotel on Green Lodging News, Eco Green Hotel, and The Hotel Guide. The Hotel’s results were the target of a case study produced by Caroma and marketed by Lighthouse Marketing, and now we are the Pilot Hotel for InterContinental Hotels Group Green Engage Program to be rolled out globally…join us on our green journey.
Recycling Program: In 2007 the Hotel started a recycling program by collecting paper and cardboard, producing 21 tons and donating $2000 in rebates to the Ronald McDonald House of San Antonio. In 2008 we transitioned to single stream recycling collecting 83.34 tons of material (170,000 pounds) that would have otherwise been sent to the landfill. Our recycling is a full single stream program allowing the Hotel to recycle paper, cardboard, plastics 1-7, glass, aluminum, and tin. Every department and guestroom throughout the Hotel has recycle containers. The Hotel staff spent an afternoon training with our recycling partner, Vista Fibers, learning about items in their departments that they touch every day that can be recycled instead of going to the trash.

• Planting an herb garden on the roof-top of our pool house. Any plants and produce that cannot be used by the Hotel kitchen, will be given to the employees. Seeds from the garden will be packaged and given to guests, encouraging them to “Stay Green”.
• The roof-top garden will be watered by capturing the condensation from two air conditioning units above the lobby of the Hotel. Any excess water will be diverted into the landscape.
• Investigating the option of sending all food waste to a composting site, and have already conducted our initial site visit with Texas Disposal Systems.
• Working with Trane to capture cooling tower condensation and redirect it to the Hotel chiller. This condensation could save the Hotel 500 gallons of water each week.
Holiday Inn San Antonio Int’l Airport – your only choice in San Antonio to “stay green”.
Hotel Direct: (210) 349-9900
Holiday Inn San Antonio International Airport
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